Christmas Is a Very Special Time
Christmas time is a very special time of the year for all Christians throughout the world. It’s a very special day for me. This year is the 52nd Christmas since I was released from a Japanese Prison of War camp. Each day I awake to see the morning sun rise to a beautiful day, I’m reminded that God gave me these years to enjoy with my family and friends. So many of my fellow POW’s did not get this wonderful gift. They are the ones that gave their lives to enable us to live free in this wonderful country, we know for its freedom.
Freedom is not guaranteed to everyone – some are enslaved because of where they live, some that could be free enslave themselves because of bad habits, bad relationships, and financial problems. They never find the way to keep from becoming their own slave.
Since I’ve freed myself from all of the above, I’m no longer a slave to anyone or anything. With God’s help, I’ve forgiven everyone that has at some time in the past caused me pain. I’ve cleansed my soul of all the hate I had for my captures that enslaved me against my will.
It’s time to enjoy the freedom I’ve found. The value of friends and beautiful relationships with others. It’s also time to help others that are searching for the type of freedom that will release them from their burdens of hate, loneliness, despair and hopelessness. It has taken me fifty plus years to find the value of freedom and to be able to live long enough to understand how valuable life really is.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and May God Bless Everyday of Your Life!
Glenn Dowling Frazier
P.S. America the Beautiful. We are the only creatures on earth that can keep it beautiful!!